Baby Acne Treatment

    Baby acne affects around 20% of newly born babies. Most parents panic to see redness on the cheeks or nose of the baby during the early weeks or months. This redness looks like acne or rashes but this goes off easily without treatment and will clear up within a few weeks.

    This baby skin condition occurs due to possible lingering hormones from the mother. These hormones affect the baby's sebaceous glands and thus cause small, reddish papules on the cheeks, which looks worst when the baby is upset, and crying.

    If the acne lingers for months, it could be good to consult the pediatrician to detect if the rash could be symptom of other infant diseases. Some rashes look like acne but they may be other symptoms.

    There are some baby medications, viral diseases or allergic reactions that cause rashes on the cheeks and may be confused with baby acne. If the baby develops any rashes after any prescribed medication, it is best to bring the baby back to the doctor for proper care.

    Baby acne could get worst when irritated by the spills of the infant formula or baby spits. Skin may be allergic to some fabrics or detergents too. Other babies have more sensitive skins so ordinary soap, lotion or creams could just irritate their acne some more.

    Unless there is more to the acne than the normal rashes, there really is no treatment necessary because it couldn't harm the baby. Just wash it gently with plain water regularly without scrubbing. The acne will go away before you know it.

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